class Bot (oauth_token: str,
client_id: str,
client_secret: str,
redirect_uri: str,
tokens_path: str,
username: str,
channels: list[str],
command_prefix: str,
authorization_code: str | None = None,
jwt_token: str | None = None,
ready_message: str | None = None)-
Expand source code
class Bot: """ Represents a bot """ def __init__( self, oauth_token: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, redirect_uri: str, tokens_path: str, username: str, channels: list[str], command_prefix: str, authorization_code: str | None = None, jwt_token: str | None = None, ready_message: str | None = None, ): """ Args: oauth_token (str): OAuth token client_id (str): Client ID client_secret (str): Client secret redirect_uri (str): Redirect URI tokens_path (str): Path of tokens file (file included) username (str): Name of the bot channels (list): Names of channels the bot will access command_prefix (str): Prefix of the commands the bot will recognize code (str): Authorization code for getting an user token jwt_token (str): JWT Token ready_message (str): Message that the bot will send through the chats of the channels it access """ self.client = Client( client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, tokens_path, authorization_code, jwt_token, ) self.__oauth_token = oauth_token self.__finish = False self.username = username self.channels = [] for channel in channels: self.channels.append(channel.replace("@", "").lower()) self.command_prefix = command_prefix self.ready_message = ready_message if ready_message is not None else "" self.custom_methods_before_join_channel = {} self.methods_before_join_channel_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_join_channel = {} self.methods_after_join_channel_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_before_leave_channel = {} self.methods_before_leave_channel_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_leave_channel = {} self.methods_after_leave_channel_to_remove = [] self.custom_checks = {} self.checks_to_remove = [] self.custom_listeners = {} self.listeners_to_remove = [] self.custom_commands = {} self.commands_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_before_commands = {} self.methods_before_commands_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_commands = {} self.methods_after_commands_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_clearchat = {} self.methods_after_clearchat_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_delete_message = {} self.methods_after_delete_message_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_bot_connected = {} self.methods_after_bot_connected_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_toggle_host = {} self.methods_after_toggle_host_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_server_reconnect = {} self.methods_after_server_reconnect_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_channel_change = {} self.methods_after_channel_change_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_event = {} self.methods_after_event_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_user_join = {} self.methods_after_user_join_to_remove = [] self.custom_methods_after_whisper = {} self.methods_after_whisper_to_remove = [] self.irc = ssl.SSLContext().wrap_socket(socket.socket()) def __send_command(self, command: str, args: str, tags: str | None = None) -> None:"%s%s < %s", tags + " " if tags is not None else "", command, args) self.irc.send( ( f"{tags + ' ' if tags is not None else ''}{command} {args}" + "\r\n" ).encode() ) def __send_join(self, channel: str) -> None: self.__send_command("JOIN", f"#{channel}") def __send_nick(self, username: str) -> None: self.__send_command("NICK", username) def __send_part(self, channel: str) -> None: self.__send_command("PART", f"#{channel}") def __send_pass(self, oauth_token: str) -> None: self.__send_command("PASS", oauth_token) def __send_pong(self, text: str) -> None: self.__send_command("PONG", f":{text}") def __send_privmsg( self, channel: str, text: str, message_to_reply: str | None = None ) -> None: self.__send_command( "PRIVMSG", f"#{channel} :{text}", ( f"@reply-parent-msg-id={message_to_reply}" if message_to_reply is not None else None ), ) def __login(self) -> None: self.__send_pass(self.__oauth_token) self.__send_nick(self.username) def __request_irc_capabilities(self) -> None: self.__send_command( "CAP REQ", "" ) def join_channel(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Makes the bot to join into a channel Args: channel (str): The channel to join """ self.__execute_methods_before_join_channel(channel) self.__send_join(channel) self.__send_privmsg(channel, self.ready_message) self.__execute_methods_after_join_channel(channel) self.__remove_methods_before_join_channel() self.__remove_methods_after_join_channel() def leave_channel(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Makes the bot to leave into a channel Args: channel (str): The channel to leave """ self.__execute_methods_before_leave_channel(channel) self.__send_part(channel) self.__execute_methods_after_leave_channel(channel) self.__remove_methods_before_leave_channel() self.__remove_methods_after_leave_channel() def __connect(self) -> None: self.irc.settimeout(_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) self.irc.connect((_IRC_SERVER, _IRC_PORT)) self.__login() self.__request_irc_capabilities() for channel in self.channels: self.join_channel(channel) def run(self) -> None: """ Runs the bot """ self.__connect() self.__loop() def stop(self) -> None: """ Stops the bot """ self.__finish = True def __get_user_from_prefix(self, prefix: str) -> str | None: domain = prefix.split("!")[0] if domain.endswith(""): return domain.replace("", "") if "" not in domain: return domain return None def __remove_prefix(self, string: str, prefix: str) -> str: if not string.startswith(prefix): return string return string[len(prefix) :] def __parse_message(self, received_msg: str) -> Message: parts = received_msg.split(" ") prefix = None user = None channel = None irc_command = None irc_tags = None irc_args = None text = None text_command = None text_args = None if parts[0].startswith("@"): irc_tags = dict( item.split("=") for item in self.__remove_prefix(parts[0], "@").split(";") ) parts = parts[1:] if parts[0].startswith(":"): prefix = self.__remove_prefix(parts[0], ":") user = self.__get_user_from_prefix(prefix) parts = parts[1:] text_start = next( (idx for idx, part in enumerate(parts) if part.startswith(":")), None ) if text_start is not None: text_parts = parts[text_start:] text_parts[0] = text_parts[0][1:] text = " ".join(text_parts) if text_parts[0].startswith(self.command_prefix): text_command = self.__remove_prefix(text_parts[0], self.command_prefix) text_args = text_parts[1:] parts = parts[:text_start] irc_command = parts[0] irc_args = parts[1:] hash_start = next( (idx for idx, part in enumerate(irc_args) if part.startswith("#")), None ) if hash_start is not None: channel = irc_args[hash_start][1:] message = Message( prefix, user, channel, irc_command, irc_tags, irc_args, text, text_command, text_args, ) return message def __execute_methods_before_join_channel(self, channel: str) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_before_join_channel.values(): method(channel) def __remove_methods_before_join_channel(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_before_join_channel_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_before_join_channel: self.custom_methods_before_join_channel.pop(method) self.methods_before_join_channel_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_join_channel(self, channel: str) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_join_channel.values(): method(channel) def __remove_methods_after_join_channel(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_join_channel_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_join_channel: self.custom_methods_after_join_channel.pop(method) self.methods_after_join_channel_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_before_leave_channel(self, channel: str) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_before_leave_channel.values(): method(channel) def __remove_methods_before_leave_channel(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_before_leave_channel_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_before_leave_channel: self.custom_methods_before_leave_channel.pop(method) self.methods_before_leave_channel_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_leave_channel(self, channel: str) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_leave_channel.values(): method(channel) def __remove_methods_after_leave_channel(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_leave_channel_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_leave_channel: self.custom_methods_after_leave_channel.pop(method) self.methods_after_leave_channel_to_remove = [] def __execute_checks(self) -> None: for check in self.custom_checks.values(): check() def __remove_checks(self) -> None: for check in self.checks_to_remove: if check in self.custom_checks: self.custom_checks.pop(check) self.checks_to_remove = [] def __execute_listeners(self, message: Message) -> None: for listener in self.custom_listeners.values(): listener(message) def __remove_listeners(self) -> None: for listener in self.listeners_to_remove: if listener in self.custom_listeners: self.custom_listeners.pop(listener) self.listeners_to_remove = [] def __execute_command(self, message: Message) -> None: self.custom_commands[message.text_command](message) def __remove_commands(self) -> None: for command in self.commands_to_remove: if command in self.custom_commands: self.custom_commands.pop(command) self.commands_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_before_commands(self, message: Message) -> None: for before in self.custom_methods_before_commands.values(): before(message) def __remove_methods_before_commands(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_before_commands_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_before_commands: self.custom_methods_before_commands.pop(method) self.methods_before_commands_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_commands(self, message: Message) -> None: for after in self.custom_methods_after_commands.values(): after(message) def __remove_methods_after_commands(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_commands_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_commands: self.custom_methods_after_commands.pop(method) self.methods_after_commands_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_clearchat(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_clearchat.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_clearchat(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_clearchat_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_clearchat: self.custom_methods_after_clearchat.pop(method) self.methods_after_clearchat_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_delete_message(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_delete_message.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_delete_message(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_delete_message_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_delete_message: self.custom_methods_after_delete_message.pop(method) self.methods_after_delete_message_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_bot_connected(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_bot_connected.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_bot_connected(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_bot_connected_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_bot_connected: self.custom_methods_after_bot_connected.pop(method) self.methods_after_bot_connected_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_toggle_host(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_toggle_host.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_toggle_host(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_toggle_host_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_toggle_host: self.custom_methods_after_toggle_host.pop(method) self.methods_after_toggle_host_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_server_reconnect(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_server_reconnect.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_server_reconnect(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_server_reconnect_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_server_reconnect: self.custom_methods_after_server_reconnect.pop(method) self.methods_after_server_reconnect_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_channel_change(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_channel_change.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_channel_change(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_channel_change_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_channel_change: self.custom_methods_after_channel_change.pop(method) self.methods_after_channel_change_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_event(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_event.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_event(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_event_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_event: self.custom_methods_after_event.pop(method) self.methods_after_event_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_user_join(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_user_join.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_user_join(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_user_join_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_user_join: self.custom_methods_after_user_join.pop(method) self.methods_after_user_join_to_remove = [] def __execute_methods_after_whisper(self, message: Message) -> None: for method in self.custom_methods_after_whisper.values(): method(message) def __remove_methods_after_whisper(self) -> None: for method in self.methods_after_whisper_to_remove: if method in self.custom_methods_after_whisper: self.custom_methods_after_whisper.pop(method) self.methods_after_whisper_to_remove = [] def __handle_notice(self, message: Message) -> None: "%s > [%s]: %s | %s", message.irc_command,, message.text, message.irc_tags, ) def __handle_part(self, message: Message) -> None:"%s > [%s] %s", message.irc_command,, message.user) self.__execute_methods_after_leave_channel( if is not None else "" ) self.__remove_methods_after_leave_channel() def __handle_ping(self, message: Message) -> None:"%s > :%s", message.irc_command, message.text) self.__send_pong(message.text if message.text is not None else "") def __handle_privmsg(self, message: Message) -> None: "%s > [%s] %s: %s | %s", message.irc_command,, message.user, message.text, message.irc_tags, ) self.__execute_listeners(message) self.__remove_listeners() if message.text_command in self.custom_commands: self.__execute_methods_before_commands(message) self.__remove_methods_before_commands() self.__execute_command(message) self.__remove_commands() self.__execute_methods_after_commands(message) self.__remove_methods_after_commands() def __handle_clearchat(self, message: Message) -> None: "%s > [%s] %s | %s", message.irc_command,, message.text if message.text is None else "", message.irc_tags, ) self.__execute_methods_after_clearchat(message) self.__remove_methods_after_clearchat() def __handle_clearmsg(self, message: Message) -> None: "%s > [%s]: %s | %s", message.irc_command,, message.text, message.irc_tags, ) self.__execute_methods_after_delete_message(message) self.__remove_methods_after_delete_message() def __handle_globaluserstate(self, message: Message) -> None:"%s > | %s", message.irc_command, message.irc_tags) self.__execute_methods_after_bot_connected(message) self.__remove_methods_after_bot_connected() def __handle_hosttarget(self, message: Message) -> None:"%s > [%s]: %s", message.irc_command,, message.text) self.__execute_methods_after_toggle_host(message) self.__remove_methods_after_toggle_host() def __handle_reconnect(self, message: Message) -> None:"%s >", message.irc_command) self.__execute_methods_after_server_reconnect(message) self.__remove_methods_after_server_reconnect() def __handle_roomstate(self, message: Message) -> None: "%s > [%s] | %s", message.irc_command,, message.irc_tags ) self.__execute_methods_after_channel_change(message) self.__remove_methods_after_channel_change() def __handle_usernotice(self, message: Message) -> None: "%s > [%s]: %s | %s", message.irc_command,, message.text if message.text is not None else "", message.irc_tags, ) self.__execute_methods_after_event(message) self.__remove_methods_after_event() def __handle_userstate(self, message: Message) -> None: "%s > [%s] | %s", message.irc_command,, message.irc_tags ) self.__execute_methods_after_user_join(message) self.__remove_methods_after_user_join() def __handle_whisper(self, message: Message) -> None: "%s > %s: %s", message.irc_command, message.irc_args[0] if message.irc_args is not None else "", message.text, ) self.__execute_methods_after_whisper(message) self.__remove_methods_after_whisper() def __handle_message(self, received_msg: str) -> None: if len(received_msg) == 0: return message = self.__parse_message(received_msg) if message.irc_command == "NOTICE": self.__handle_notice(message) elif message.irc_command == "PART": self.__handle_part(message) elif message.irc_command == "PING": self.__handle_ping(message) elif message.irc_command == "PRIVMSG": self.__handle_privmsg(message) elif message.irc_command == "CLEARCHAT": self.__handle_clearchat(message) elif message.irc_command == "CLEARMSG": self.__handle_clearmsg(message) elif message.irc_command == "GLOBALUSERSTATE": self.__handle_globaluserstate(message) elif message.irc_command == "HOSTTARGET": self.__handle_hosttarget(message) elif message.irc_command == "RECONNECT": self.__handle_reconnect(message) elif message.irc_command == "ROOMSTATE": self.__handle_roomstate(message) elif message.irc_command == "USERNOTICE": self.__handle_usernotice(message) elif message.irc_command == "USERSTATE": self.__handle_userstate(message) elif message.irc_command == "WHISPER": self.__handle_whisper(message) else: "%s > [%s] %s: %s", message.irc_command,, message.user, message.text, ) def __loop(self) -> None: while not self.__finish: try: received_msgs = self.irc.recv(2048).decode() for received_msg in received_msgs.split("\r\n"): self.__handle_message(received_msg) except socket.timeout: self.__execute_checks() self.__remove_checks() def send(self, channel: str, text: str) -> None: """ Sends a message by chat Args: channel (str): Owner of the chat text (str): Message's text """ self.__send_privmsg(channel, text) def reply(self, channel: str, message_id: str, text: str) -> None: """ Replies to a message in a chat Args: channel (str): Owner of the chat message_id (str): ID of the message being replied to text (str): Message's text """ self.__send_privmsg(channel, text, message_id) def ban(self, channel: str, user: str, reason: str = "") -> None: """ Bans a user Args: channel (str): Channel who bans username (str): User to ban reason (str): Reason of the ban """ self.send(channel, f"/ban @{user} {reason}") def unban(self, channel: str, user: str) -> None: """ Undoes the ban of a user Args: channel (str): Name of the channel who readmits user (str): Name of the user to readmit """ self.send(channel, f"/unban @{user}") def clear(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Clears the chat Args: channel (str): Channel to clean the chat """ self.send(channel, "/clear") def color(self, channel: str, color: str) -> None: """ Changes the color of the channel's name in the chat Args: channel (str): Channel to change color color (str): New color's name """ self.send(channel, f"/color {color}") def commercial(self, channel: str, duration: int = 30) -> None: """ Places advertising in the channel Args: channel (str): Channel on which start the commercial duration (int): Duration of advertising """ self.send(channel, f"/commercial {duration}") def delete(self, channel: str, message_id: str) -> None: """ Deletes the specified message from the chat room Args: channel (str): Channel where the message was sent message_id (str): ID of the message """ self.send(channel, f"/delete {message_id}") def disconnect(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Closes the session that the command was received from Args: channel (str): Channel whose session close to """ self.send(channel, "/disconnect") def emoteonly(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Activates the "emotes only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode """ self.send(channel, "/emoteonly") def emoteonlyoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables "emotes only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/emoteonlyoff") def followers(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Activates the "followers only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode """ self.send(channel, "/followers") def followersoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables the "followers only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/followersoff") def help(self, channel: str, command: str = "") -> None: """ Shows detailed information about a command Args: channel (str): Channel in which show the command's information command (str): Command to show information about """ self.send(channel, f"/help {command}") def host(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Hosts a channel Args: channel (str): Name of the channel who hosts username (str): Name of the channel to host """ self.send(channel, f"/host {username}") def unhost(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Unhosts the hosted channel Args: channel (str): Channel who unhosts """ self.send(channel, "/unhost") def marker(self, channel: str, description: str = "") -> None: """ Leaves a mark on the channel's stream Args: channel (str): Channel in which leave the mark description (str): Mark's description """ self.send(channel, f"/marker {description}") def me(self, channel: str, text: str) -> None: """ Sends a message by chat in italics Args: channel (str): Owner of the chat text (str): Message's text """ self.send(channel, f"/me {text}") def mod(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Makes a user mod Args: channel (str): Channel who promotes the user username (str): Name of the user to be promoted """ self.send(channel, f"/mod {username}") def unmod(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Removes the moderator's rank from a user Args: channel (str): Channel who removes the moderator's rank username (str): User's name """ self.send(channel, f"/unmod {username}") def mods(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Shows the moderators list of a channel Args: channel (str): Channel who owns the moderators """ self.send(channel, "/mods") def raid(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Raids another channel Args: channel (str): Name of the channel who raids username (str): Name of the channel to raid """ self.send(channel, f"/raid {username}") def unraid(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Cancels an raid Args: channel (str): Channel who unraids """ self.send(channel, "/unraid") def slow(self, channel: str, duration: int) -> None: """ Activates the "slow" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode duration (int): Time between messages """ self.send(channel, f"/slow {duration}") def slowoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables the "slow" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/slowoff") def subscribers(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Activates the "subscribers only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode """ self.send(channel, "/subscribers") def subscribersoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables "subscriber only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/subscribersoff") def timeout(self, channel: str, user: str, duration: int = 600) -> None: """ Expels a user temporarily Args: channel (str): Channel who ejects user (str): Name of the user to expel duration (int): Ejecting time """ self.send(channel, f"/timeout @{user} {duration}") def untimeout(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Cancels the timeout of a user Args: channel (str): Channel who ejected the user username (str): User to readmit """ self.send(channel, f"/untimeout @{username}") def uniquechat(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Activates the "unique" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode """ self.send(channel, "/uniquechat") def uniquechatoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables the "unique" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/uniquechatoff") def vip(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Makes a user vip Args: channel (str): Channel who makes a user vip username (str): User's name """ self.send(channel, f"/vip {username}") def unvip(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Removes the vip range from a user Args: channel (str): Channel who remove's the vip range username (str): User's name """ self.send(channel, f"/unvip {username}") def vips(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Shows the vips list of a channel Args: channel (str): Channel who owns the vips """ self.send(channel, "/vips") def whisper(self, channel: str, user: str, text: str) -> None: """ Whispers to a user Args: channel (str): Channel on which send the whisp user (str): User's name text (str): Whisper's text """ self.send(channel, f"/w {user} {text}") def add_method_before_join_channel( self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before joinnnig a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[str], None]): Method to be executed before joinnnig a channel """ self.custom_methods_before_join_channel[name] = method def remove_method_before_join_channel(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed before joinning a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_before_join_channel_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_join_channel( self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after joinnnig a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[str], None]): Method to be executed after joinnnig a channel """ self.custom_methods_after_join_channel[name] = method def remove_method_after_join_channel(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after joinning a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_join_channel_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_before_leave_channel( self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before leaving a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[str], None]): Method to be executed before leaving a channel """ self.custom_methods_before_leave_channel[name] = method def remove_method_before_leave_channel(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed before leaving a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_before_leave_channel_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_leave_channel( self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after leaving a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[str], None]): Method to be executed after leaving a channel """ self.custom_methods_after_leave_channel[name] = method def remove_method_after_leave_channel(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after leaving a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_leave_channel_to_remove.append(name) def add_check(self, name: str, check: Callable[[], None]) -> None: """ Adds a check to the bot Checks work permanently Args: name (str): Check's name check (Callable[[], None]): Method that will act as a check """ self.custom_checks[name] = check def remove_check(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a check from the bot Args: name (str): Check's name """ self.checks_to_remove.append(name) def add_listener(self, name: str, listener: Callable[[Message], None]) -> None: """ Adds a listener to the bot Listeners work only when a message is received Listeners must receive as a parameter the last message in the chat Args: name (str): Listener's name listener (Callable[[Message], None]): Method that will be executed after every chat message """ self.custom_listeners[name] = listener def remove_listener(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a listener from the bot Args: name (str): Listener's name """ self.listeners_to_remove.append(name) def add_command(self, name: str, command: Callable[[Message], None]) -> None: """ Adds a command to the bot Commands must receive as a parameter the messages which call them Args: name (str): Command's name command (Callable[[Message], None]): Method that will be executed when the command is invoked """ self.custom_commands[name] = command def remove_command(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a command from the bot Args: name (str): Command's name """ self.commands_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_before_commands( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before each command Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed before each command """ self.custom_methods_before_commands[name] = method def remove_method_before_commands(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed before each command Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_before_commands_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_commands( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each command Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after each command """ self.custom_methods_after_commands[name] = method def remove_method_after_commands(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after each command Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_commands_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_clearchat( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each chat clearing Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after each chat clearing """ self.custom_methods_after_clearchat[name] = method def remove_method_after_clearchat(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after each chat clearing Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_clearchat_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_delete_message( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each time a message is deleted Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after each time a message is deleted """ self.custom_methods_after_delete_message[name] = method def remove_method_after_delete_message(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after each time a message is deleted Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_delete_message_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_bot_connected( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a bot connects to a chat Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a bot connects to a chat """ self.custom_methods_after_bot_connected[name] = method def remove_method_after_bot_connected(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a bot connects to a chat Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_bot_connected_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_toggle_host( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a channel toggles hosting Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a channel toggles hosting """ self.custom_methods_after_toggle_host[name] = method def remove_method_after_toggle_host(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a channel toggles hosting Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_toggle_host_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_server_reconnect( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a reconnect warning Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a reconnect warning """ self.custom_methods_after_server_reconnect[name] = method def remove_method_after_server_reconnect(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a reconnect warning Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_server_reconnect_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_channel_change( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a channel's chat settings change Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a channel's chat settings change """ self.custom_methods_after_channel_change[name] = method def remove_method_after_channel_change(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a channel's chat settings change Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_channel_change_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_event( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after an event occurs Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after an event occurs """ self.custom_methods_after_event[name] = method def remove_method_after_event(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after an event occurs Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_event_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_user_join( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after an user joins into a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after an user joins into a channel """ self.custom_methods_after_user_join[name] = method def remove_method_after_user_join(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after an user joins into a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_user_join_to_remove.append(name) def add_method_after_whisper( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a whisper is received Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a whisper is received """ self.custom_methods_after_whisper[name] = method def remove_method_after_whisper(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a whisper is received Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_whisper_to_remove.append(name)
Represents a bot
- OAuth token
- Client ID
- Client secret
- Redirect URI
- Path of tokens file (file included)
- Name of the bot
- Names of channels the bot will access
- Prefix of the commands the bot will recognize
- Authorization code for getting an user token
- JWT Token
- Message that the bot will send through the chats of the channels it access
def add_check(self, name: str, check: Callable[[], None]) ‑> None
Expand source code
def add_check(self, name: str, check: Callable[[], None]) -> None: """ Adds a check to the bot Checks work permanently Args: name (str): Check's name check (Callable[[], None]): Method that will act as a check """ self.custom_checks[name] = check
Adds a check to the bot Checks work permanently
- Check's name
:Callable[[], None]
- Method that will act as a check
def add_command(self,
name: str,
command: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_command(self, name: str, command: Callable[[Message], None]) -> None: """ Adds a command to the bot Commands must receive as a parameter the messages which call them Args: name (str): Command's name command (Callable[[Message], None]): Method that will be executed when the command is invoked """ self.custom_commands[name] = command
Adds a command to the bot Commands must receive as a parameter the messages which call them
- Command's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method that will be executed when the command is invoked
def add_listener(self,
name: str,
listener: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
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def add_listener(self, name: str, listener: Callable[[Message], None]) -> None: """ Adds a listener to the bot Listeners work only when a message is received Listeners must receive as a parameter the last message in the chat Args: name (str): Listener's name listener (Callable[[Message], None]): Method that will be executed after every chat message """ self.custom_listeners[name] = listener
Adds a listener to the bot Listeners work only when a message is received Listeners must receive as a parameter the last message in the chat
- Listener's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method that will be executed after every chat message
def add_method_after_bot_connected(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_bot_connected( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a bot connects to a chat Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a bot connects to a chat """ self.custom_methods_after_bot_connected[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a bot connects to a chat
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after a bot connects to a chat
def add_method_after_channel_change(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_channel_change( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a channel's chat settings change Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a channel's chat settings change """ self.custom_methods_after_channel_change[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a channel's chat settings change
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after a channel's chat settings change
def add_method_after_clearchat(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_clearchat( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each chat clearing Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after each chat clearing """ self.custom_methods_after_clearchat[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each chat clearing
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after each chat clearing
def add_method_after_commands(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_commands( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each command Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after each command """ self.custom_methods_after_commands[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each command
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after each command
def add_method_after_delete_message(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_delete_message( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each time a message is deleted Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after each time a message is deleted """ self.custom_methods_after_delete_message[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after each time a message is deleted
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after each time a message is deleted
def add_method_after_event(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_event( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after an event occurs Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after an event occurs """ self.custom_methods_after_event[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after an event occurs
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after an event occurs
def add_method_after_join_channel(self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None]) ‑> None
Expand source code
def add_method_after_join_channel( self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after joinnnig a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[str], None]): Method to be executed after joinnnig a channel """ self.custom_methods_after_join_channel[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after joinnnig a channel
- Method's name
:Callable[[str], None]
- Method to be executed after joinnnig a channel
def add_method_after_leave_channel(self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None]) ‑> None
Expand source code
def add_method_after_leave_channel( self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after leaving a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[str], None]): Method to be executed after leaving a channel """ self.custom_methods_after_leave_channel[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after leaving a channel
- Method's name
:Callable[[str], None]
- Method to be executed after leaving a channel
def add_method_after_server_reconnect(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_server_reconnect( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a reconnect warning Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a reconnect warning """ self.custom_methods_after_server_reconnect[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a reconnect warning
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after a reconnect warning
def add_method_after_toggle_host(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
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def add_method_after_toggle_host( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a channel toggles hosting Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a channel toggles hosting """ self.custom_methods_after_toggle_host[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a channel toggles hosting
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after a channel toggles hosting
def add_method_after_user_join(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_user_join( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after an user joins into a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after an user joins into a channel """ self.custom_methods_after_user_join[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after an user joins into a channel
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after an user joins into a channel
def add_method_after_whisper(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_after_whisper( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a whisper is received Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed after a whisper is received """ self.custom_methods_after_whisper[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed after a whisper is received
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed after a whisper is received
def add_method_before_commands(self,
name: str,
method: Callable[[Message], None]) ‑> None-
Expand source code
def add_method_before_commands( self, name: str, method: Callable[[Message], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before each command Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[Message], None]): Method to be executed before each command """ self.custom_methods_before_commands[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before each command
- Method's name
:Callable[[Message], None]
- Method to be executed before each command
def add_method_before_join_channel(self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None]) ‑> None
Expand source code
def add_method_before_join_channel( self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before joinnnig a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[str], None]): Method to be executed before joinnnig a channel """ self.custom_methods_before_join_channel[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before joinnnig a channel
- Method's name
:Callable[[str], None]
- Method to be executed before joinnnig a channel
def add_method_before_leave_channel(self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None]) ‑> None
Expand source code
def add_method_before_leave_channel( self, name: str, method: Callable[[str], None] ) -> None: """ Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before leaving a channel Args: name (str): Method's name method (Callable[[str], None]): Method to be executed before leaving a channel """ self.custom_methods_before_leave_channel[name] = method
Adds to the bot a method that will be executed before leaving a channel
- Method's name
:Callable[[str], None]
- Method to be executed before leaving a channel
def ban(self, channel: str, user: str, reason: str = '') ‑> None
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def ban(self, channel: str, user: str, reason: str = "") -> None: """ Bans a user Args: channel (str): Channel who bans username (str): User to ban reason (str): Reason of the ban """ self.send(channel, f"/ban @{user} {reason}")
Bans a user
- Channel who bans
- User to ban
- Reason of the ban
def clear(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def clear(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Clears the chat Args: channel (str): Channel to clean the chat """ self.send(channel, "/clear")
Clears the chat
- Channel to clean the chat
def color(self, channel: str, color: str) ‑> None
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def color(self, channel: str, color: str) -> None: """ Changes the color of the channel's name in the chat Args: channel (str): Channel to change color color (str): New color's name """ self.send(channel, f"/color {color}")
Changes the color of the channel's name in the chat
- Channel to change color
- New color's name
def commercial(self, channel: str, duration: int = 30) ‑> None
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def commercial(self, channel: str, duration: int = 30) -> None: """ Places advertising in the channel Args: channel (str): Channel on which start the commercial duration (int): Duration of advertising """ self.send(channel, f"/commercial {duration}")
Places advertising in the channel
- Channel on which start the commercial
- Duration of advertising
def delete(self, channel: str, message_id: str) ‑> None
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def delete(self, channel: str, message_id: str) -> None: """ Deletes the specified message from the chat room Args: channel (str): Channel where the message was sent message_id (str): ID of the message """ self.send(channel, f"/delete {message_id}")
Deletes the specified message from the chat room
- Channel where the message was sent
- ID of the message
def disconnect(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def disconnect(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Closes the session that the command was received from Args: channel (str): Channel whose session close to """ self.send(channel, "/disconnect")
Closes the session that the command was received from
- Channel whose session close to
def emoteonly(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def emoteonly(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Activates the "emotes only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode """ self.send(channel, "/emoteonly")
Activates the "emotes only" mode
- Channel on which activate the mode
def emoteonlyoff(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def emoteonlyoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables "emotes only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/emoteonlyoff")
Disables "emotes only" mode
- Channel on which disable the mode
def followers(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def followers(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Activates the "followers only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode """ self.send(channel, "/followers")
Activates the "followers only" mode
- Channel on which activate the mode
def followersoff(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def followersoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables the "followers only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/followersoff")
Disables the "followers only" mode
- Channel on which disable the mode
def help(self, channel: str, command: str = '') ‑> None
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def help(self, channel: str, command: str = "") -> None: """ Shows detailed information about a command Args: channel (str): Channel in which show the command's information command (str): Command to show information about """ self.send(channel, f"/help {command}")
Shows detailed information about a command
- Channel in which show the command's information
- Command to show information about
def host(self, channel: str, username: str) ‑> None
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def host(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Hosts a channel Args: channel (str): Name of the channel who hosts username (str): Name of the channel to host """ self.send(channel, f"/host {username}")
Hosts a channel
- Name of the channel who hosts
- Name of the channel to host
def join_channel(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def join_channel(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Makes the bot to join into a channel Args: channel (str): The channel to join """ self.__execute_methods_before_join_channel(channel) self.__send_join(channel) self.__send_privmsg(channel, self.ready_message) self.__execute_methods_after_join_channel(channel) self.__remove_methods_before_join_channel() self.__remove_methods_after_join_channel()
Makes the bot to join into a channel
- The channel to join
def leave_channel(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def leave_channel(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Makes the bot to leave into a channel Args: channel (str): The channel to leave """ self.__execute_methods_before_leave_channel(channel) self.__send_part(channel) self.__execute_methods_after_leave_channel(channel) self.__remove_methods_before_leave_channel() self.__remove_methods_after_leave_channel()
Makes the bot to leave into a channel
- The channel to leave
def marker(self, channel: str, description: str = '') ‑> None
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def marker(self, channel: str, description: str = "") -> None: """ Leaves a mark on the channel's stream Args: channel (str): Channel in which leave the mark description (str): Mark's description """ self.send(channel, f"/marker {description}")
Leaves a mark on the channel's stream
- Channel in which leave the mark
- Mark's description
def me(self, channel: str, text: str) ‑> None
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def me(self, channel: str, text: str) -> None: """ Sends a message by chat in italics Args: channel (str): Owner of the chat text (str): Message's text """ self.send(channel, f"/me {text}")
Sends a message by chat in italics
- Owner of the chat
- Message's text
def mod(self, channel: str, username: str) ‑> None
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def mod(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Makes a user mod Args: channel (str): Channel who promotes the user username (str): Name of the user to be promoted """ self.send(channel, f"/mod {username}")
Makes a user mod
- Channel who promotes the user
- Name of the user to be promoted
def mods(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def mods(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Shows the moderators list of a channel Args: channel (str): Channel who owns the moderators """ self.send(channel, "/mods")
Shows the moderators list of a channel
- Channel who owns the moderators
def raid(self, channel: str, username: str) ‑> None
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def raid(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Raids another channel Args: channel (str): Name of the channel who raids username (str): Name of the channel to raid """ self.send(channel, f"/raid {username}")
Raids another channel
- Name of the channel who raids
- Name of the channel to raid
def remove_check(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_check(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a check from the bot Args: name (str): Check's name """ self.checks_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a check from the bot
- Check's name
def remove_command(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_command(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a command from the bot Args: name (str): Command's name """ self.commands_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a command from the bot
- Command's name
def remove_listener(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_listener(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a listener from the bot Args: name (str): Listener's name """ self.listeners_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a listener from the bot
- Listener's name
def remove_method_after_bot_connected(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_bot_connected(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a bot connects to a chat Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_bot_connected_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after a bot connects to a chat
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_channel_change(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_channel_change(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a channel's chat settings change Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_channel_change_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after a channel's chat settings change
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_clearchat(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_clearchat(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after each chat clearing Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_clearchat_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after each chat clearing
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_commands(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_commands(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after each command Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_commands_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after each command
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_delete_message(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_delete_message(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after each time a message is deleted Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_delete_message_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after each time a message is deleted
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_event(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_event(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after an event occurs Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_event_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after an event occurs
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_join_channel(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_join_channel(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after joinning a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_join_channel_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after joinning a channel
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_leave_channel(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_leave_channel(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after leaving a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_leave_channel_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after leaving a channel
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_server_reconnect(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_server_reconnect(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a reconnect warning Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_server_reconnect_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after a reconnect warning
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_toggle_host(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_toggle_host(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a channel toggles hosting Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_toggle_host_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after a channel toggles hosting
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_user_join(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_user_join(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after an user joins into a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_user_join_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after an user joins into a channel
- Method's name
def remove_method_after_whisper(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_after_whisper(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed after a whisper is received Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_after_whisper_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed after a whisper is received
- Method's name
def remove_method_before_commands(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_before_commands(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed before each command Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_before_commands_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed before each command
- Method's name
def remove_method_before_join_channel(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_before_join_channel(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed before joinning a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_before_join_channel_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed before joinning a channel
- Method's name
def remove_method_before_leave_channel(self, name: str) ‑> None
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def remove_method_before_leave_channel(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a method that is executed before leaving a channel Args: name (str): Method's name """ self.methods_before_leave_channel_to_remove.append(name)
Removes a method that is executed before leaving a channel
- Method's name
def reply(self, channel: str, message_id: str, text: str) ‑> None
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def reply(self, channel: str, message_id: str, text: str) -> None: """ Replies to a message in a chat Args: channel (str): Owner of the chat message_id (str): ID of the message being replied to text (str): Message's text """ self.__send_privmsg(channel, text, message_id)
Replies to a message in a chat
- Owner of the chat
- ID of the message being replied to
- Message's text
def run(self) ‑> None
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def run(self) -> None: """ Runs the bot """ self.__connect() self.__loop()
Runs the bot
def send(self, channel: str, text: str) ‑> None
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def send(self, channel: str, text: str) -> None: """ Sends a message by chat Args: channel (str): Owner of the chat text (str): Message's text """ self.__send_privmsg(channel, text)
Sends a message by chat
- Owner of the chat
- Message's text
def slow(self, channel: str, duration: int) ‑> None
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def slow(self, channel: str, duration: int) -> None: """ Activates the "slow" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode duration (int): Time between messages """ self.send(channel, f"/slow {duration}")
Activates the "slow" mode
- Channel on which activate the mode
- Time between messages
def slowoff(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def slowoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables the "slow" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/slowoff")
Disables the "slow" mode
- Channel on which disable the mode
def stop(self) ‑> None
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def stop(self) -> None: """ Stops the bot """ self.__finish = True
Stops the bot
def subscribers(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def subscribers(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Activates the "subscribers only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode """ self.send(channel, "/subscribers")
Activates the "subscribers only" mode
- Channel on which activate the mode
def subscribersoff(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def subscribersoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables "subscriber only" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/subscribersoff")
Disables "subscriber only" mode
- Channel on which disable the mode
def timeout(self, channel: str, user: str, duration: int = 600) ‑> None
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def timeout(self, channel: str, user: str, duration: int = 600) -> None: """ Expels a user temporarily Args: channel (str): Channel who ejects user (str): Name of the user to expel duration (int): Ejecting time """ self.send(channel, f"/timeout @{user} {duration}")
Expels a user temporarily
- Channel who ejects
- Name of the user to expel
- Ejecting time
def unban(self, channel: str, user: str) ‑> None
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def unban(self, channel: str, user: str) -> None: """ Undoes the ban of a user Args: channel (str): Name of the channel who readmits user (str): Name of the user to readmit """ self.send(channel, f"/unban @{user}")
Undoes the ban of a user
- Name of the channel who readmits
- Name of the user to readmit
def unhost(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def unhost(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Unhosts the hosted channel Args: channel (str): Channel who unhosts """ self.send(channel, "/unhost")
Unhosts the hosted channel
- Channel who unhosts
def uniquechat(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def uniquechat(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Activates the "unique" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which activate the mode """ self.send(channel, "/uniquechat")
Activates the "unique" mode
- Channel on which activate the mode
def uniquechatoff(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def uniquechatoff(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Disables the "unique" mode Args: channel (str): Channel on which disable the mode """ self.send(channel, "/uniquechatoff")
Disables the "unique" mode
- Channel on which disable the mode
def unmod(self, channel: str, username: str) ‑> None
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def unmod(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Removes the moderator's rank from a user Args: channel (str): Channel who removes the moderator's rank username (str): User's name """ self.send(channel, f"/unmod {username}")
Removes the moderator's rank from a user
- Channel who removes the moderator's rank
- User's name
def unraid(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def unraid(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Cancels an raid Args: channel (str): Channel who unraids """ self.send(channel, "/unraid")
Cancels an raid
- Channel who unraids
def untimeout(self, channel: str, username: str) ‑> None
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def untimeout(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Cancels the timeout of a user Args: channel (str): Channel who ejected the user username (str): User to readmit """ self.send(channel, f"/untimeout @{username}")
Cancels the timeout of a user
- Channel who ejected the user
- User to readmit
def unvip(self, channel: str, username: str) ‑> None
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def unvip(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Removes the vip range from a user Args: channel (str): Channel who remove's the vip range username (str): User's name """ self.send(channel, f"/unvip {username}")
Removes the vip range from a user
- Channel who remove's the vip range
- User's name
def vip(self, channel: str, username: str) ‑> None
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def vip(self, channel: str, username: str) -> None: """ Makes a user vip Args: channel (str): Channel who makes a user vip username (str): User's name """ self.send(channel, f"/vip {username}")
Makes a user vip
- Channel who makes a user vip
- User's name
def vips(self, channel: str) ‑> None
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def vips(self, channel: str) -> None: """ Shows the vips list of a channel Args: channel (str): Channel who owns the vips """ self.send(channel, "/vips")
Shows the vips list of a channel
- Channel who owns the vips
def whisper(self, channel: str, user: str, text: str) ‑> None
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def whisper(self, channel: str, user: str, text: str) -> None: """ Whispers to a user Args: channel (str): Channel on which send the whisp user (str): User's name text (str): Whisper's text """ self.send(channel, f"/w {user} {text}")
Whispers to a user
- Channel on which send the whisp
- User's name
- Whisper's text